Neeko tosses a magical spiral in a straight line, rooting anything it comes in contact with. The last champion hit will be rooted for longer. If the spiral passes through two enemies, it will grow in size and speed, and the root duration against the last champion hit is further increased. You can go any lane with this build and really abuse it.
Both Sett and Neeko Builds Neeko Builds abilities synergizes well. Sett also wins a lot of the jungle match ups in the early game and scales nice. OkSimiliar to Vi but a little bit stronger with the synergize due to Wukong lowering opponents armour. Once Wukong gets his R, should be easy ganks for easy kills. Similiar to the irelia style where he can all in with his combo for the easy kill. Keep your distance and poke/auto when his abilities are on cooldown.
StrongStrong Early Junglers always work well with Neeko. Lee sin can shield to neeko for easy kill potentials. OkNot the best for 2v2 but Ivern and Neeko can scale into the late game to have an unkillable Neeko machine gun carry. IdealWith Graves being S tier in the Jungle, Neeko and Graves are able to win the 2v2 in the top lane.
It sounds simple, but you’d be surprised how many people change forms when it’s obviously Neeko. Anymore, you won’t have the lifesteal for the laning phase. NonePoppy’s E can sometimes mis synergize with Neeko’s Roots which leads to bad ganks. OkNeeko’s twin is not the best but can still win the 2v2s in the early if both play it correctly.
Neeko joins the battle as the newest addition to the League of Legends roster! She is a cute half-chameleon vastaya trickster mage who is a ton of fun to play and watch. After an six month dry spell, we finally get a brand new champion, and I have to say, I don’t think we could’ve asked for more. Faker roams bot lane to burn Ezreal’s Flash, which snowballed into a kill for Teddy later on. I’m looking for ideas and to see if anyone else thinks of the dumbest stuff like I do. I used to run pure on-hit or pure AP with Neeko, but lately I’ve taken to running Black Cleaver, Kraken, Greaves, Nashor’s, Rabadon’s, and Rylai’s.
Builds Page provided by Senpai shows you the best builds with highest win rates and pick rates. Simply select your build and save runes, items and spells to use in your games. Pop Blossom is an extremely strong ultimate ability and one of the best team fighting ultimates we’ve seen in a while. It has an incredibly high base damage and scales with 130 percent of your AP making it quite possibly the strongest AoE ultimate in the game. It’s like a mix between a full AP Nunu ult with the stun of an Amumu ult. You can really abuse her range if you are against a melee champion.
Throwing Tangle-Barbs through the minion wave when your opponent tries to farm will allow you to catch them easily and set up a gank, or simply allow you to get some poke in. Inherent Glamour is an extremely strong tool in the right hands. It’s a mind trick that really messes with the opponent’s heads.
This could set up an easy gank from your jungler and leave the enemies wondering how they got to bot lane so fast. You could also pretend to be the marksman overextending alone in a lane. The enemy could try to pick up an easy kill, but seal their own fate by engaging onto you. With the drastic nerfs to her attack speed and on-hit damage, the on-hit Neeko builds that had taken solo queue by storm are officially dead. The unique item path gave some relevance to a normally untouched champion in Patch 9.5 as players realized on-hit Neeko’s potential. Find the best Builds, runes and items for and increase your chances of winning.