The Crown of Thorns becomes an exceptional houseplant

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Bearing multiple buds on a single stalk, amaryllis are popular indoor plant gifts. They flower only once a year, but these showstoppers are worth the wait. When the display is over, cut off the stalks and allow the foliage to grow. Kalanchoe is a tropical succulent, and it can be grown indoors. You can keep it near a window where it can receive a few good hours of sunlight in order to bloom.

Do that and you’ll be rewarded with cheery clusters of flowers and thick, rubbery leaves for months at a time. Get step-by-step instructions on how to plant and care for kalanchoe. These plants produce fragrant blooms that come in a variety of colors like purple, red, white, and pink. Petite or mini orchids are the easiest types to grow and care for.

A bright spot out of direct sun with regular misting suits them perfectly. Unlike plants grown in soil, indoor plants are confined to the pot. That means it’s up to you to provide all their water and nutrients.

They thrive in low light with very little care and in return, offer up beautiful exotic blooms for you to enjoy. Beautiful, highly-fragrant white blooms appear in abundance against glossy, evergreen foliage in spring and autumn. With tons of begonia options, it’s hard to choose just one.

As much as we enjoy our Bloeiende kamerplanten for their pretty leaves alone, it can feel like a truly momentous occasion when flowers appear. Here are some of our favorites for adding extra color and even fragrance to your indoor garden. If you are looking for a hardy plant, you might try keeping some Rieger Begonias around.

Leafy green houseplants are wonderful , but why not expand your indoor gardening skills by adding a few flowering houseplants into the mix. Blooming plants inject vibrancy, color, and fragrance into your living space. Take a look at 20 of our favorite flowering houseplants to find inspiration for your next plant acquisition.

The Crown of Thorns becomes an exceptional houseplant due to its flowers and low maintenance. If you can provide a sunny window where the plant can be placed, it will grow happily ever after. Known for their colorful foliage and long-lasting flowers, bromeliads can beautify your interior. They thrive easily without much care and thrive in low-light conditions as well. Orchids are the largest group of plants in the world, with as many as 30,000 known species and tens of thousands more hybrids.

Also, don’t place them in the corner of a dark living room. Flowering houseplants rather have more daylight than dark days. Think of watering your flowering houseplant every one or two weeks. Just make sure you keep the soil humid but beware of giving your houseplant wet feet. Among the most common houseplants, peace lily shows off lustrous dark green foliage topped by stems of white flowers that look like calla lilies. Like other flowering houseplants, peace lily prefers plenty of light to keep it producing those beautiful blooms.

Anthuriums are true jungle plants, which makes them a challenge to grow and bloom in ordinary conditions. They thrive on humidity, heat, ample water, bright light, and rich soil. Most anthuriums are purchased already in bloom, and it takes a skillful hand to bring one back into flower. Technically a Hippeastrum hybrida, the amaryllis bears large, deeply colored flowers on tall stalks. They are sold as potted flowering plants or naked bulbs, and they are available in red, salmon, pink, orange and multicolored.

If you don’t have access to sunlight, your kalanchoe will do fine for months with only low light conditions. The Phalaenopsis, or moth orchid looks like a delicate tropical plant with its stunningly beautiful flowers and graceful stems. However, this beauty not only thrives in low light situations, it also is very easy to care for and inexpensive to purchase. Growing best in a bright area, though not in direct summer sun, streptocarpus will provide you with lots of brightly coloured flowers for months on end. Better still, they’re easy grow and propagate, so you’ll never be short of new plants.

Gardening Know How notes that getting the watering system down on African violets is important, adding that you should water with lukewarm water that has sat for 48 hours

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